Sabtu, 14 Mei 2011

The Science Of It All - Part II

motor oil additives

Do they really work?

This issue has sparked controversy for years in the automotive and diesel. Are the various engine oil additives really just a modern automotive versions of the "snake oil "?

Many motor oil additives promise to reduce friction. presence of friction - metal on metal inside the engine combustion chamber - generates intense heat and often points to the galling of metal parts and surfaces. In other words, your engine is gouged, scored or gashed piece by piece over time. (See photo below the test reference ).

There are several main types of motor oil additives:

1 PTFE engine oil additives (polytetrafluoroethylene, which is a Teflon TM ).

2 Engine oil additives containing solvents and cleaners such as kerosene, naphthalene, xylene, acetone or isopropanol.

3 Engine oil additives containing zinc dialkyldithiophosphate ("zinc" for our purposes here ).

4 Motor oil is produced using the same additives used by manufacturers of oil, just in different quantities and combinations.

5 Other engine oil additives such as chlorinated paraffins and molybdenum.


Polytetrafluoroethylene got off to a rough start in his early career as a supplement to oil. DuPont Chemical Corporation, the inventor, issued a now famous statement that "Teflon is not useful as an ingredient in oil additives or oils used for internal combustion engines ."

The trial, DuPont was forced to sell to manufacturers of PTFE engine oil additives. To their credit, DuPont continue to maintain it "has no knowledge of any advantage gained through the use of PTFE in engine oil ."

Why the controversy? Remember, this is the addition of suspended solid. Imagine introducing an additive with solids that your oil filter is designed to remove. So, your oil filter collects as much suspended solids as possible. The result? Clogged oil filters and marked drop in oil pressure.

Ah, but there is a "return" to this criticism. Manufacturers claim that the sub-micron size, which passes through the engine oil filter.

This is not the whole story.

I've spent almost three decades working on chemical solutions for industrial problems. When the test chemicals, you must follow through the whole cycle of their use.

Polytetrafluoroethylene radically expands in size when subjected to heat. It starts out "sub-micron, " but you will not find any guarantees that it will stay that size when the engine warms up to normal operating temperature.

PTFE is often criticized because of falling oil pressure monitor its use. This again is probably due to blockage of the oil filter. What is disturbing is that there are tests indicate the presence of iron contamination in the oil due to increased engine wear after its use.

Perhaps this is one of the best kept in non-stick pan.

and solvent detergent additives in motor oil:? obsolete

Motor oil additive designed to dissolve sludge and carbon deposits inside your engine's use of solvents and cleaners. They are usually naphthalene, xylene, acetone, isopropanol, or kerosene in standard mineral base.

problem? They can strip away more of sludge or deposits. They can strip away a layer of the limits of your engine oil for lubrication. In addition, you should be promoting increased metal-to-metal contact within your engine.

"miracle "of zinc?

dialkyldithiophosphate Zinc ("Zinc") was originally touted as a "miracle" engine oil additive, replacing PTFE. In addition to the engine oil has been used in many standard additive package.

Zinc is advertised for extreme pressure, anti-wear protection for engines. This is especially useful in high stress, long metal-on-metal conditions found in racing. But for all its fanfare, the race conditions are what the vast majority of the driver faces.

Your car should not be regarded as stress in normal, everyday driving conditions. Interestingly, the year the oil companies reduced the amount of zinc in standard packages motor oil because of damage to the catalyst and spark increased pollution.

In addition, zinc is a dangerous substance. It has the ability to inflict serious damage to your eyes. In addition to engine oil, it really is not "live" to its original high expectations. And as a "miracle", will not start a new religion with this one.

the same additives used car manufacturer

of oil from the major oil companies to service a car, truck and bike industry has come "loaded" with motor oil additives and work in combination, synergistic. Adding more of the same additive will not bring additional benefit.

Many things in the world of chemistry to act in such a way that it is definitely not better. Think about adding hot pepper sauce mix. Some added flavor. More can be done for an event to remember.

sulfur compounds, for example, are used to protect your engine at lower engine temperatures, but the coke out of sludge at higher temperatures. More will not help your engine and can, in fact, no real damage.

"second" motor oil additives: More snake oil

Chlorinated paraffins have had some success in addition to oil. However, there are serious drawbacks. With the intense heat, as well as in internal combustion engines, chlorinated paraffins, and the release of hydrochloric acid gas.

Chlorinated paraffins are thermally unstable above 200 ° C worsen, creating a strong acid radicals (hydrogen chloride, free chloride ions). These radicals begin to attack metal surface, forming a metal chloride films. "Stress crack corrosion in metal surfaces and corrosion of bearings, piston and valve train can bring.

Chlorinated paraffins are known to be carcinogenic, toxic to humans and the aquatic environment. These substances accumulate, bringing effects that may be irreversible in humans or the environment.

Molybdenum motor oil additives claim to maintain or improve the wear / antifriction properties of engine oils. The problem is that they can create and reinforce bypass clogged filters block oil galleries, and adding a lubricant reduces engine wear surfaces.

Honestly, none of these problems are needed. There is a much better solution for motor oil additive issue. This is not a "miracle" happened. He came straight out of science and effective use of decades of industrial solutions.

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